Indian peninsula is bounded on its three sides- the Arabian Sea to the west, the Bay of Bengal to the east and the Indian Ocean to the south. The country with a long coastline measuring over 6,700 kms houses some of the world's finest beaches. Indian Beaches stretch across the shoreline of the states like - Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal. Besides, the islands of Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar has some very exotic beaches. The tranquil beaches in India attract a huge number of tourists from far and wide. Indian beaches are ideal for every thing, be it for a romantic honeymoon, a memorable holiday, an ideal vacation or the adventurous water sports.
The waterfalls in India are as spectacular as anywhere else in the world and some even more so. You can find these natural spectacles all over India and at all times of the year but to see the India falls at their best you need to head to the Ghats in the south during the monsoon season.
The abundance of rain result in thousand of magical and thunderous waterfalls everywhere you look. This list is just a list of the 'best; waterfalls in India but be assured - you will see hundreds and hundreds of them.