Tamil Nadu is famous for having the most beautiful hill stations of the country. Udhagamandalam, the chief Tamil Nadu hill station is popularly called "Ooty" and is described as 'The Queen of Hill Stations'. Not far away are two smaller and quieter hill resorts Coonoor and Kotagiri - in the same range. Ketti is a tiny village located on the road to Coonoor, which is the home of tribes such as the Badagas and the Todas. Kodaikanal located amidst the folds of the verdant Pali hills is also a popular hill station, which mesmerises any visitor. Yercaud also called as "Ooty of the Poor " is known for Coffee plantations and Orange groves and is comparatively more peaceful and cheaper than the major southern resorts of Ooty and Kodaikanal.
Tamilnadu hill stations are the magical combination of beauty and greenery. Every year a good number of tourists come to visit these captivating hill stations of Tamilnadu. Kodaikanal, Nilgiri, Ooty and Yercaud are the major hill stations in Tamil Nadu in the lap of Tamilnadu hills.