Villu Pattu is a specific folk dance of Tamil Nadu. During various festivals and joyous occasion in tribal areas of this state people enjoy this folk dance. Villu Pattu is a type of folk music also in Tamil Nadu which is accompanied with folk dance, also known Villu Pattu folk dance. This is a very gorgeous folk music and folk dance in Tamil Nadu. The word Villu derived from a musical instrument, named Villu. This musical instrument plays during performance of this folk dance and music.
That villus is jointed with some bells. Player of this musical instrument struck that villus to create rhythmatic sound. It jingles bells and beautiful sound creates. During this folk dance performance singer sing beautiful songs according to ancient tales. In this dance form both girls and boys participate with colorful ornaments. They move their body according to musical tune plays by musical player. It is so beautiful and charming folk dance of Tamil Nadu which is not only famous in this state but also much known in the country. There is a beautiful and fabulous video of Villu Pattu dance of Tamil Nadu as follows.